Watch Tracks

Official selections - All American High School Film Festival & Scout Film Festival 

Silver Key - Scholastics art and Writing Awards 

When a young man jumps onto a train in search of lost love, he begins to wonder whether or not the train is actually moving. Obviously it is, right? Right? He must decide whether this spontaneous train ride is really a step forward, or whether he is stuck in the past - living in memories while all else passes by.


Director's Statement 

The completion of this film marked the beginning of my tenure as a filmmaker. Reeling in the wake of my first brush with summer romance and searching, desperately, for something to soothe the horrors of being a high school junior, I wrote and directed “Tracks.” While directing, I learned—as an aspiring artist, as a budding student, and as a young man—that all of life is a story, and it deserves to be told with care. I kissed a girl, wrote the story, and turned that story into a movie, all in a wonderful attempt at framing my emotions. I tried to find the art in my experience; in doing so, I found my passion. This was the first film I felt proud to show: a piece that begins to capture the perspective and sentiments of teenage life. From there, I continued my search for the perfect lenses to reframe the familiar as significant, beautiful, and new. While my filmmaking (and life) journey has progressed a great deal since the completion of “Tracks,” I am still firmly proud to show it.
